Campbell Co. Va. Will Book 1, pg 86-88.

In the name of God Amen. I Robert Baber of Campbell County being very sick weak in body but in perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto God. Therefore calling unto mind the Morality of my Body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and Ordain this my laste Will and Testamente that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of the Almighty God that gave it and my Body I recommend to the Earth to be buried in decente Christian Beriel at the Discretion of my Excutors nothing Doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the Mighty Power of God. And as Touching such Worldly Estate where with it hath pleased God to Bless me in this life I give demise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form. Imprimus I give unto my son William Baber my Negroe Wench Tamor with her increase. Item I give unto my Wife Jane Baber the Plantition I now live on with the Privilage of cutting Timber and fire wood on my Land dureing life or Widowhood. Item I give unto my son John Baber all my Land lying above a line run by me from the corner of a White Oak in John Anthonys line bounded by John Anthont and John Quarles lines. Also I give him a Negroe Wench named Hannah and her Increase from this date. Item I give unto my son James Baber the remainder of my Land which is bounded by John Talbots Land also a Negroe Wench named Mime and her Increase from this date.( If the said John Baber dies without issue the Effects to be given to the said John Baber. ? ___) I lend to my Daughter Mary Perrin a Negroe Wench named Peg during her life and if the said Wench Peg be living after the said Mary Perrins Death she is to belong to Charles Perrin her son. Item I lend unto my Daughter Jane Farmer a Negroe Girl named Phyllis with her Increase during her life and After the said Jane Farmers Death to belong to the Heirs of her Body. Item I give unto my Grandson Robert Haynes a Negroe Girl named Dilsey Reserving the first Child born alive to belong to Robert Perrin my Grandson all other Estate not mentioned here belongs to my Wife Jane Baber during her life and Widowhood and after her Death as follows. The Estate and to be Equally Divided Between my three sons William Baber, John Baber and James Baber. William Baber and John Baber Executors

Robert Baber (seal)

Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presence of: Elizabeth Diring, Elizabeth Strange, Walter Urquarte, Peter Hennesy.


At a Courte held for Campbell County July 6th 1786

The within laste Will and Testament of Robert Baber Dec'd was Proved by the oaths of Elizabeth Diring and Walter Urquarte two of the Witnesses therto subscribed and ordered to be recorded and on the Motion of William Baber, John Baber and James Baber the Executors Therein named who made oath thereto according to Law Certficate is Granted them for obtaining Probate thereof in due form giving Security Whereupon they together with Christopher Irvine James Dearing John Shackleford and Henry Edson their Securities entered into and Acknowledged their Bond in the penalty of Five Thousand Pounds conditioned as the Law Directs for the said Executors due and faithfull administration of the said Executors due and faithfull administration of the Decedents State and performance of his Will-----

Teste Robert Alexander CCC

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