of King George Co. Virginia - 1799

In the name of God, Amen. I BENJAMIN BABER of the County of King George being sick in body, but of perfect mind and memory do make this my Last Will & Testament in manner following to Witt: First my will is that my body may be interred in a plain decent manner in the burying ground on the Plantation sold by Enoch Berry to John Taylor in this count where the body of my late wife was buried. My will is that all my just debts be fully paid by my executors herein after to be named so soon as may be after my decease. I leave to my son FRANCIS a small tract of land in Caroline County he paying to my three other children his brothers and sister namely HENRY BOMBERRY BABER, THOMAS BABER and SALLY BOMBERRY BABER, thirty pounds current money of Virginia to each of my three children after and my will is that my eleven slaves to wit Polly about 35 years of age, Hannah about 25 years, Sukey about 18 years, Betty about 14 years, Wilson 12 years, Nelson 12 years, Pansy 12 years, Nancy 10 years, John 10 years, Anny 8 years, Paul 4 years old, with my other estate in Stock, money, debts, household furniture and of every kind whatsoever be equally divided between my four
children as aforesaid. reserving the benefit of survivership to any of mysaid children, who may survive the others, to have equal proportion of the part that would have belonged to the deceased any one part of the property aforesaid may be disposed off for the benefit of my children except the land as may appear necessary and advisable by my executors or the majority of them. And I do hereby constitute and appoint my esteemed friends Messrs. Laurence Berry................County of King George with.................County of Richmond, Executors..........hereby revoking and disclaiming all other Wills made by me.

 In witness name and seal this fifth day.........Lord God One thousand...... (1799)

Signed: Benjamin Baber, Esquire

At a court held for King George County........the 4th day of July, 1799 the.........executors of Benjamin Baber deceased was presented into court by Laurence Berry & Younger Joh[nson] two of the executors therein named who made oath thereto according to law and being further proved by the oath of Clab: Baber (Claiborne)? and William Holburne two of the witnesses thereto subscribed is ordered to be recorded, said William Holburne having first refused.

Document by Vera Baber

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