Descendants R-M269 Baber

Sub-Group 3
Possible Relationship to a Common Ancestor for Tested and/or connected Baber Families in Sub-Group 3.

The following message appears on the subsequent family pages that DNA indicates have a common Male Baber ancestor at some time in the not too distant past.

 An individual in this family has been Y-DNA tested.  Click to see the results and relationships DNA R-M269, Subgroup 3
 DNA results are not the same as descendants of Robert the Immigrant (Virginia - 1679), nor do they link with Edward Baber and Catherine Leigh in the tomb at Chew Magna.

Although positive proof is not available the following families are possibly related in Sub-group 3 based on tested Male DNA. 

The father of Zenus Baber appears to be a Robert Baber according to a statement in a deed. Zenus could have been a brother to Achilles Baber although no proof exists.

The following notes appear on the Zenus Baber page.

1. Y-DNA Evidence indicates ancestor is connected to Thomas Baber that married Elizabeth Lawson based on Y-DNA match to a descendant of Stanley Baber.
2. The Father of Achilles and Zenus Baber appears to be a Robert Baber based on the fact his daughter sold land she said came her father, who got it from his father, Robert Baber.



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