Descendants of
Obadiah Baber
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DNA results are not the same as descendants of Robert the
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and Catherine Leigh in the tomb at Chew Magna. |
1 Obadiah Baber b: 1760 in Fluvanna Co. Virginia d: January 28, 1822 in Clark
Co. Kentucky Fact: Obadiah Baber never moved to Kentucky. He never left
Virginia. He moved to Kentucky County, Virginia in 1786 and in 1792 the State of
Kentucky was formed around him.
.. +Hannah Delilah Martin b: April 11, 1761 in Goochland Co. Virginia m: April
14, 1782 in Fluvanna Co. Virginia d: 1847 in Montgomery Co. Kentucky Father:
John Martin Mother: Rachel Pace
. 2 Hiram Baber b: December 25, 1782
. 2 Lucy Baber b: 1783 in Fluvanna Co. Virginia d: Abt. 1829 in Calloway
Co. Missouri Fact: Old census indicate she may have had as many as 13
...... +Matthew Davis b: Abt. 1782 in Clark Co. Kentucky m: Feb 15, 1803
in Clark Co. Kentucky d: Aug 24, 1844 in Calloway Co. Missouri
. 2 Rachel M. Baber b: September 12, 1784 in Fluvanna Co. Virginia d: April 17,
1870 in Montgomery Co. Kentucky Burial: Gordon Cemetery, Montgomery Co, KY
...... +Randall Richardson Gordon b: July 15, 1784 in Albemarle Co. Virginia m:
February 10, 1803 in Clark Co. Kentucky d: November 15, 1852 in Clark Co.
Kentucky Burial: Gordon Cemetery, Montgomery Co, KY Father: John Gordon Mother:
Mary Roundtree
..... 3 Amelia Gordon b: Abt. 1804 in Montgomery Co. Kentucky
..... 3 Mary Elizabeth Gordon b: Abt. 1806
..... 3 Hannah Gordon b: Abt. 1808 in Montgomery Co. Kentucky
...... +Hollis Culver Fact:
Couple to Union Co. Kentucky
..... 3 Lucretia Gordon b: Abt. 1810 in Montgomery Co. Kentucky
..... 3 Martha Elizabeth Gordon b: February 17, 1810 in Montgomery Co. Kentucky
d: October 08, 1885 in Moweaqua, Shelby Co. Illinois
......... +Ellington Adams, Jr. b: November 04, 1804 in Montgomery Co. Kentucky
m: March 24, 1835 in Christian Co. Illinois d: October 28, 1875 Father:
Ellington Adams
..... 3 William Gordon b: 1812
..... 3 Elizabeth Gordon b: Abt. 1813 in Montgomery Co. Kentucky
..... 3 Lucy Gordon b: February 06, 1814 in Montgomery Co. Kentucky d: January
13, 1882 in Montgomery Co. Kentucky
..... 3 Nancy Kay Gordon b: 1816 in Montgomery Co. Kentucky
..... 3 Rachel M. Gordon b: October 06, 1819 in Montgomery Co. Kentucky d:
August 07, 1910 in Clay Co. Indiana Burial: Williamstown, Clay, IN
..... 3 Randall Richardson Gordon b: 1822 in Montgomery Co. Kentucky
. 2 Isham Baber b: January 05, 1784 in Fluvanna Co. Virginia d: June 28, 1862 in
Platte Co. Missouri
...... +Elizabeth C. Gordon b: August
11, 1792 in Clark Co. Kentucky m:
January 21, 1808 in Clark Co. Kentucky
Father: John Gordon .
. 2 Elizabeth Baber b: Abt. 1789 in Clark Co. Kentucky
.. +Francis Maxfield Davis b: Abt. 1785 in Clark Co. Kentucky m: Sep 25,
1805 in Clark Co. Kentucky Fact: Not mentioned in father's will Father:
Leonard G. Davis Mother: Mary Ballard
. 2 Mary (Polly) Baber b: Abt. 1792 in Clark Co. Kentucky d: 1836
...... +John Owen b: April 19, 1784 in Maryland m: July 11, 1808 in Clark Co.
Kentucky d: March 03, 1859 Burial: on his father's farm in Henry Co. Kentucky
Residence: The family moved to Henry Co. Kentucky. Father: Lawrence Owen
Mother: Mary B. "Polly" Cullum
..... 3 Nelson P. Owen b: February 13, 1809 d: 1854
......... +Mary Baber m: December 21, 1830
..... 3 Martin B. Owen b: March 1811 d: June 02, 1888
......... +Jane Haggard m: May 23
..... 3 Gipson T. Owen
..... 3 Elkanna Cullom Owen b: October 05, 1815 d: 1886
......... +Mary Nickell
..... *2nd Wife of Elkanna Cullom Owen:
......... +Melissa Thrailkill
..... 3 Eliza Jane Owen b: January 16, 1818
......... +Isham W. Moody m: January 06, 1834
.. 3 John J. Owen b: Apr 01, 1820 in Kentucky d: 1861
........ +Eleanor F. Lockland b: Abt. 1825 m: Aug 18, 1840 in Henry Co.
Kentucky d: Bef. Nov 1883
.... 4 Thomas D. Owen b: Abt. 1841 in Kentucky
.... 4 James E. Owen b: Bet. 1843 - 1845 in Kentucky
.... 4 Lorenzo D. Owen b: Abt. 1846 in Kentucky d: Aft. Nov 1883 Census
1860: Called Randolph
.... 4 Mary Eliza Owen b: Abt. 1848 in Missouri
.......... +?? Cary
.... 4 Rachel Owen b: Abt. 1854 in Missouri
.... 4 John Luther Owen b: Feb 1855 in Missouri
.......... +Lydia ?? m: Abt. 1878
.... 4 Suade Owens b: Abt. 1858 in Missouri
.... 4 Ida Minerva Owen b: Jun 23, 1861 in Midova, Osage Co. Missouri d:
Nov 14, 1933 in Heavener, Le Flore Co. Oklahoma
.......... +Henry Welton Hull m: Nov 07, 1883 in Charleston, Mississippi
Co. Missouri
..... 3 Isham Thomas Owen Fact: Unmarried
..... 3 Lorenzo Dow Owen b: August 09, 1827
......... +Sally Oliver
..... 3 Luzy Mirian Owen b: August 07, 1831 d: Abt. 1844 Fact: Died at age 13.
2 Hannah Booten Delilah Baber b: 1794 in Clark Co. Kentucky d: Sep 09,
1852 in Davis Co. Iowa Burial: Wheeler Cemetery
.... +Daniel Lowe b: 1789 in Clark Co. Kentucky m: Mar 22, 1810 in Clark
Co. Kentucky d: Jan 29, 1859 in Drakesville, Davis Co. Iowa Burial:
Wheeler Cemetery, near Drakesville, Davis Co. Iowa Father: John Lowe
Mother: Frankey Adams
.. 3 Obadiah D. Lowe b: Jan 29, 1811 in Clark Co. Kentucky d: Oct 16,
1895 in Kirksville, Adair Co. Missouri Census 1860: Oak Springs, Davis
Co. Iowa - Farmer
...... +Catherine Owen b: Apr 10, 1813 in Winchester, Clark Co. Kentucky
m: Mar 04, 1831 d: Mar 16, 1893 in Kirksville, Adair Co. Missouri
.... 4 Daniel Lowe b: Abt. 1838 in Indiana
.... 4 Andrew Lowe b: Abt. 1842 in Indiana
.... 4 William Lowe b: Abt. 1845 in Iowa
.... 4 Elizabeth Lowe b: Abt. 1847 in Iowa
.... 4 Thomas Lowe b: Abt. 1848 in Iowa
.... 4 Logan Lowe b: Abt. 1851 in Iowa
.... 4 Obadiah Lowe b: Abt. 1854 in Iowa
.. 3 Daniel Lowe, Jr. b: 1812 in Clark Co. Kentucky d: Dec 05, 1901
...... +Sarah Ann Padgett m: 1838
.. 3 Frances M. (Franky) Lowe b: 1814 in Kentucky d: Apr 20, 1884 in
Davis Co. Iowa
...... +Joshua B. Noland b: 1812 in Kentucky m: 1836 Census 1860: Oak
Springs, Davis Co. Iowa - Farmer
.... 4 Angeline Noland b: Abt. 1841 in Kentucky
.... 4 Amanda Noland b: Abt. 1845
.... 4 Daniel Noland b: Abt. 1847
........ +Sarah J. ??
.... 4 Samuel Noland b: Abt. 1850
.. 3 Isham Lowe b: 1818 in Kentucky Census 1870: Millers Creek, Estill
Co. Kentucky
...... +Martha Ann Brinegar m: Sep 24, 1851 in Estill Co. Kentucky
.... 4 Angeline S. Lowe b: Abt. 1854 Census 1870: Millers Creek, Estill
Co. Kentucky
........ +John Moor
.. 3 Nancy Lowe b: 1819 in Kentucky
...... +John Wesley Matherly b: 1818 in Estill Co. Kentucky m: Aug 01,
1838 d: Dec 16, 1863 in Jackson Port, Arkansas Military service: 3rd
Reg.Com. E Missouri Cavalry Vol. Union
.. 3 Rachel Lowe b: 1820 in Estill Co. Kentucky d: in Kentucky
...... +Samuel King b: Abt. 1807 in Estill Co. Kentucky m: Feb 28, 1839
in Estill Co. Kentucky d: in Kentucky Census 1860: Irvine, Estill Co.
Kentucky - Farmer Census 1870: Irvine, Estill Co. Kentucky - Farmer
Census 1880: Estill Co. Kentucky
.... 4 Catharine King b: Feb 03, 1840 in Kentucky d: May 13, 1939 in
Estill Co. Kentucky
........ +William Valentine Tuttle b: Jan 17, 1836 in Wiseman Farm,
Estill Co. Kentucky d: Sep 18, 1910 in Lower Bend, Estill Co. Kentucky
.... 4 Mary Elizabeth King b: Abt. 1841 in Kentucky
.... 4 Joseph King b: Abt. 1843 in Kentucky
.... 4 Major King b: Abt. 1844 in Kentucky
.... 4 Jonathan W. King b: Abt. 1847 in Kentucky
.... 4 Robert King b: Abt. 1848 in Kentucky
.... 4 Sarah "Sallie" King b: Abt. 1852 in Kentucky
........ +John Tuttle
.... 4 Emily King b: Abt. 1854 in Kentucky
.... 4 Margaret King b: Abt. 1859 in Kentucky
.... 4 Albert King b: Abt. 1860 in Kentucky
.... 4 Andrew King b: Abt. 1862 in Kentucky
.. 3 Elizabeth Martha Lowe b: 1823 in Estill Co. Kentucky d: in Jackson
Co. Missouri
...... +William Albertus L.B. Sharp b: Jul 10, 1818 in Estill Co.
Kentucky m: Feb 15, 1845 in Estill Co. Kentucky Father: Moses Sharp
Mother: Elizabeth (Betsey) Bush
.. 3 Sarah (Polly) Lowe b: 1824 in Kentucky
...... +Henry Ballard b: 1823
.. 3 Jackson Lowe b: 1828 in Kentucky
...... +Mary Swope
.. 3 Lucy Lowe b: Abt. 1830 d: Abt. 1901 Burial: Brinegar Cemetery,
Estill Co. Kentucky Census 1900: Living with Samuel
...... +John Speed Smith Brineger b: Abt. 1824 in Kentucky m: Oct 15,
1849 in Estill Co. Kentucky d: Jun 07, 1898 Burial: Brinegar Cemetery,
Estill Co. Kentucky Census 1850: Estill Co. Kentucky - Farm Laborer
Census 1860: Estill Co. Kentucky - Farmer Census 1870: Estill Co.
Kentucky - Farmer - Listed as Speed Census 1880: Irvine - Estill Co.
Kentucky - Farmer
.... 4 Martha Ann Brinegar b: Aug 24, 1852 in Estill Co. Kentucky d:
........ +Daniel Benjamin Franklin Covey b: Jan 29, 1849 m: Apr 10, 1873
in Estill Co. Kentucky d: Feb 28, 1930
.... 4 William Hardin Brinegar b: Apr 15, 1854 in Estill Co. Kentucky d:
May 30, 1927
........ +Mary Jane Fletcher b: Oct 22, 1862 in Estill Co. Kentucky m:
Jul 1876 in Edgecombe Co. North Carolina d: Jul 13, 1949 in Estill Co.
.... 4 Mary Eliza Brinegar b: Aug 10, 1855 in Estill Co. Kentucky d: May
19, 1937 in Carter Co. Kentucky
........ +Washington Baker
.... 4 Wesley Brinegar b: Dec 14, 1857 in Estill Co. Kentucky d: Dec 14,
1857 in Estill Co. Kentucky
.... 4 Rachael Brinegar b: Nov 01, 1858 in Estill Co. Kentucky d: Dec
24, 1925 in Pike Co. Ohio
........ +Wesley Faulkner
.... 4 Samuel Brinegar b: Sep 20, 1861 in Estill Co. Kentucky d: May 27,
1935 Burial: Brinegar Cemetery, Estill Co. Kentucky
........ +Vergie Mary Abney b: Aug 06, 1869 m: Oct 13, 1887 d: May 17,
1915 Burial: Brinegar Cemetery, Estill Co. Kentucky
.... 4 Drucilla Francis Brinegar b: Abt. 1866 in Estill Co. Kentucky
........ +Jackson Abney b: Abt. 1862 in Estill Co. Kentucky m: Aug 06,
1881 in Estill Co. Kentucky
.. 3 Drucilla Lowe b: Nov 1831 in Kentucky d: May 03, 1909 in Appanoose
Co. Iowa Burial: Taylor Cemetery, Appanoose Co. Iowa
...... +Joseph Robb b: Abt. 1830 in Indiana m: 1850 Census 1870: Marion
Twp. Davis Co. Iowa Census 1880: Marion Twp. Davis Co. Iowa
.... 4 Eliza Ann Robb b: Abt. 1854 in Iowa
.... 4 Martha Robb b: Abt. 1857 in Iowa
.... 4 John H. Robb b: Abt. 1860 in Iowa
.... 4 Amanda Robb b: Abt. 1866 in Iowa
.. 3 Hannah Josephine Lowe b: Jan 1835 in Indiana d: May 04, 1907 in
Davis Co. Iowa
...... +William Keller Robb b: Abt. 1828 in Indiana m: Apr 15, 1852
Census 1880: Marion Twp. Davis Co. Iowa
.... 4 Furman M. Robb b: Abt. 1857 in Iowa
.... 4 Benjamin Franklin Robb b: Abt. 1859 in Iowa
.... 4 Andrew Jackson Robb b: Abt. 1863 in Iowa
.... 4 Clementine Robb b: Oct 31, 1865 in Iowa d: May 1965 Burial:
........ +Sam Garner
.... 4 Leander Lee Robb b: Abt. 1869 in Iowa
.... 4 Etta Robb b: Abt. 1873 in Iowa
.... 4 William Robb b: Abt. 1874 in Iowa
.... 4 Slyvester C. Robb b: Abt. 1876 in Iowa
.... 4 Clarence Robb b: Abt. 1879 in Iowa
.. 3 Rhodes Lowe b: Abt. 1836 in Indiana Census 1860: Oak Springs, Davis
Co. Iowa - Farmer
...... +Emaline ??
. 2 John Martin Baber b: 1798 in Clark Co. Kentucky d: October
1873 in Madison, Kentucky
Census: 1850 & 1860 : Madison Co. Kentucky
...... +Asenath Owen b: Bet. 1799 to 1802 in Clark Co. Kentucky m: May 27, 1817
in Clark Co. Kentucky d: Abt. 1872 in Madison Co. Kentucky Fact: See Note
Father: John Owen, Jr. Mother: Abigail Cullom
. 2 Nancy (Agnes Nancy) Baber b: Oct 01, 1800 in Clark Co. Kentucky d:
Jun 27, 1857 in Louisville, Kentucky
...... +Nelson Reed Owen b: Apr 15, 1791 in Clark Co. Kentucky m: Nov
25, 1813 in Clark Co. Kentucky d: Sep 08, 1838 Burial: On the farm,
later moved to Cave Hill Cemetery. Fact: See Note 34 Military service:
1812 Captain Calloway's Company, 2nd Regiment, Kentucky Mounted
Volunteers Father: Lawrence Owen Mother: Mary B. "Polly" Cullum
.. 3 John Lawrence Owen b: 1815 in Clark Co. Kentucky d: 1824 in Clark
Co. Kentucky
........ +Atlanta ??
.. 3 Matilda Owen b: 1817 in Clark Co. Kentucky d: 1824 in Clark Co.
.. 3 Mary Jane Owen b: 1820 in Clark Co. Kentucky d: 1824 in Clark Co.
.. 3 James Alfred Owen b: Mar 20, 1822 in Clark Co. Kentucky d: May 13,
1890 in St. Joseph, Missouri Burial: Mt. Dora Cemetery
........ +Agnes Jeannette Cargill b: Aug 22, 1830 in Wheeling, Virginia
m: in Kansas City, Missouri d: Dec 16, 1911 in St. Joseph, Missouri
.... 4 Herbert Alfred Owen
.......... +Harriett Collier Kearney
.... 4 Florence Alma Owen
.......... +William B. Orr
.... 4 Mary Alicia Owen
.... 4 Luella Agnes Owen
.... 4 Julliette Owen
.. 3 John Lawrence Owen b: Mar 24, 1824 d: Jun 03, 1877
........ +Atlanta Smith
.. 3 Sarah Ann Owen b: 1827 in Clark Co. Kentucky d: 1874
........ +Edmond P. Rousseau
.. 3 Elizabeth Jane Owen b: 1829 in Clark Co. Kentucky d: May 18, 1907
in Jefferson Co. Kentucky Burial: Cave Hill Cemetery, Louisville,
Kentucky Census 1900: Louisville, Jefferson Co. Kentucky - Widow
........ +David Cook Stoy b: Abt. 1822 d: Nov 27, 1854
.... 4 Henry W. Stoy b: Sep 1849 in Kentucky Occupation: Telegraph
.... 4 Sarah Agnes "Sallie" Stoy b: Jul 16, 1851 in Kentucky d: Jan 22,
1927 in Louisville, Jefferson Co. Kentucky Burial: Cave Hill Cemetery,
Louisville, Kentucky Census 1900: Unmarried - Living at home
.... 4 Elizabeth C. "Bettie" Stoy b: Abt. 1852 in Kentucky Census 1900:
Unmarried - Living at home
.. 3 Isham Thomas Owen b: 1832 in Clark Co. Kentucky d: May 09, 1869
........ +Josephine Ferguson
.. 3 George Washington Owen b: 1834 in Clark Co. Kentucky d: Dec 08,
1836 in Clark Co. Kentucky
*2nd Husband of Nancy (Agnes Nancy) Baber:
...... +William Dalton m: Aft. 1838 Fact: Marriage ended in Divorce
after a short time.
. 2 Thomas Baber b: October 01, 1800 in Clark Co. Kentucky d: November 01, 1873
in Ray Co. Missouri Fact: Came Missouri in 1830. Referred to as
"Squire" Baber. Occupation: 1850 Farmer Census: 1830 Clark Co.
...... +Elizabeth m: March 06, 1828 in Clark Co. Kentucky
*2nd Wife of Thomas Baber:
..... +Clarissa Gordon b: November 20,
1809 in Kentucky d: January 25, 1900 m:
December 31, 1829 in Clark Co. Kentucky
Burial: Old City Cemetery, Richmond, Ray
Co. Missouri Census 1880: Richmond, Ray
Co. Missouri - Living with daughter Lucy
Additional Links: "Squire"
Thomas Baber of Ray Co. Missouri
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