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Most information about the family on this page based on the research of Vera Baber with later corrections and additions. All Rights Reserved.
The names of the ladies in this study have been omitted as well as male children that died before adulthood.
1 Edward Baber b: May 04, 1531 d: Sep 23, 1578 in Chew Magna, Somerset,
England Fact: Studied law as Reader of Lincolns Inn See Note 40 Occupation:
Attorney, Sergeant-at-law
.. +Catherine Leigh b: Abt. 1537 in Stoneleigh, Warcs d: Mar 10, 1601/02 in Chew
Magna, Somerset Father: Sir Thomas Leigh Mother: Alice Barker Fact: 1558
Daughter of Lord Mayor of London.
2 John Baber b: Abt. Jun 17, 1565 in St. James, Clerkenwell, London
2 Francis Baber b: Abt. Aug 25, 1566 in St. James, Clerkenwell, London? d: Sep
09, 1643 Fact: Admitted Lincolns in 1585/86 Fact 2: Tuition of Francis & John
Tynte, his nephews. Occupation: High Sheriff of Somerset
..... +Anne Whitmore b: 1570 in Apley, Salop m: Jul 24, 1595 d: Dec 30, 1650
Father: William Whitmore Mother: Ann Bond Burial: St. Peter's Abbey, Bath Fact:
Aunt to the Earl of Craven
... 3 Edward Baber b: Abt. Feb 06, 1596/97 in Chew Magna, Somerset d: Mar 14,
1632/33 Burial: Abbey Church, Bath Fact: 1618 Admitted Lincolns Inn See Note
....... +Elizabeth Pratt m: Jul 02, 1629 in St. Gregory by St. Paul's, London d:
Dec 1651 Father: Henry Platt Mother: Mary Adams
..... 4 Henry Baber
... 3 Francis Baber b: Abt. Jul 06, 1600 in Chew Magna, Somerset d: 1669 in
Abbot Seabroke Chapel, Gloucester Cathedral, Gloucester Fact: Matriculated at
Oxford 1616 Occupation: Chancellor of Gloucester Cathedral.
....... +Elizabeth Adderley b: 1610 m: Apr 09, 1634 in South Mimms, Middx d: Jan
09, 1672/73 in Gloucester Cathedral, Gloucester Father: John Adderley
..... 4 James Baber
..... 4 John Baber b: Abt. May 08, 1636 in Chew Magna, Somerset d: Abt. Jan 06,
1667/68 in Chew Magna, Somerset
.......... +Ann Tynte b: in Chelvey Manor House, Somerset d: Abt. Jul 12, 1667
in Chew Magna, Somerset Father: John Tynte
........ 5 Edward Baber b: Abt. Jan 20, 1663/64 in Chew Magna, Somerset d: Apr
10, 1711 Will: Jan 18, 1704/05 buried in the vault in Chew Magna Church made by
his ancestors. He bequeaths everything to his wife Florence Baber who proved his
will May 10th 1711.
............. +Florence Bourne b: Mar 01, 1669/70 m: Jun 24, 1687 in St. Vedast,
Foster Lane, London d: Sep 13, 1714 Father: Roger Bourne Mother: Florence Smith
... 3 James Baber b: Abt. Jul 13, 1611 in Chew Magna, Somerset d: Abt. May 1686
in Hamburg? Fact: Died without issue. Will available online. Occupation: 1656
Hamburg Merchant
2 Robert Baber b: Bet. 1566 - 1573 d: Abt. May 11, 1640 in St. Pancras, Soper
Lane, London Residence: Aldwick, Somerset, Eng
..... +Cicely Smith b: in Bethnal Green, London m: Dec 13, 1599 in St. Mildred
Poultry, London d: Abt. Oct 24, 1606 in Chew Magna, Somerset Father: Robert
... 3 Edward Baber b: 1604 d: Apr 02, 1674 Fact: Reverend
....... +Elinor ??
..... 4 Robert Baber b: Abt. Jul 20,
1651 in Timsbury, Somerset Co. England d: Abt. 1718 in Virginia Fact: Robert
Baber who started the American Pedigree. See Note 116 - Listed 17th Century
Colonial Ancestors - Confirmed for eligibility in the Colonial Dames.
.......... +Sarah ?? b: 1658 in York Co. Virginia m: Abt. 1682 in Virginia d:
Bef. 1750
.. 3 Roger Baber b: Abt. Jun 19, 1604 in St. Pancras, Soper Lane, London Fact:
of Corston, Somerset
..... 4 Roger Baber d: Abt. Nov 19, 1682 in Corston, Somerset
.......... +Ann Sambourne
... 3 Robert Baber b: Abt. Dec 26, 1605 in St. Pancras, Soper Lane, London
Baptism: St. Pancras, Soper Lane, London
..... 4 Roger Baber Occupation: Tailor admitted November 17, 1663
..... 4 Edward Baber
*2nd Wife of Robert Baber:
..... +Priscilla Holbyn m: Aug 10, 1607 in Corston, Somerset
2 William Baber b: Abt. Sep 10, 1573 in St. James, Clerkenwell, London Fact:
Counsellor at Law, admitted Lincoln Inn 1591 Fact 2: Hill House, Blagdon.
2 Edward Baber b: Abt. Jul 07, 1576 in Chew Magna, Somerset d: 1655 Fact: of
Sutton Court, London Occupation: Merchant of London Will: Apr 07, 1655
..... +Mary Parradine m: Feb 03, 1610/11 in St. Pancras, Soper Lane, London
Father: Thoms Parradine Mother: Martha Dalton Fact: of London
.*2nd Wife of Edward Baber:
..... +Frances Evington m: Oct 17, 1616 in St. Andrew, Enfield, Middx Fact:
Marriage Record: "Frauncis" Widow of ?? Harrison.
...... 3 John Baber b: Abt. Feb 27, 1618/19 in St. Thomas the Apostle, London
... 3 Francis Baber b: Abt. Jan 1622/23 d: May 01, 1676 in Chew Magna, Somerset
....... +Mary ??
*3rd Wife of Edward Baber:
..... +Elizabeth Crosse m: Aft. 1630 d: Abt. Oct 30, 1672 in Chew Magna,
Somerset Father: William Crosse Mother: Grace Perry Fact: Widow of Samuel Jepp &
William Strachey - Last of Baber family to own Sutton Court.
2 Reynolde Baber d: Abt. May 22, 1577 in Chew Magna, Somerset
Most information about the family on this page based on the research of Vera Baber with later corrections and additions. All Rights Reserved.
Email me if you can correct or add to any information on this page.
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