Nick Balmer's Family History Articles

Nick Balmer's view of Baber history is from the point of historical facts and locations.  His interest lies more in what the family was doing at a certain point in time and where they were doing it more than the actual lineage issue.  His family history is rich in that it contains not only our Baber lines but those of many other colorful and influential families.  

The following articles will be listed with the newest ones last:

  1. Early Baber Attendance at University in England  (1463)
  2. Regilbury, England article, complete with map. (1600's)
  3. Baber's Field article. (1600's)
  4. Henry Hervey Baber, 1765-1869, England
  5. Rev. Harry Baber, England, Contains 6 photographs
  6. Henry Hervy Baber 1775-1869  England
  7. Regilbury, England from Somerset & Dorset Notes & Queries
  8. Sir John Baber & Samuel Pepys   (1600's)
  9. Sir John Baber  1625-1704  England
  10. England Reunion 2000
  11. Nick Balmer's 2001 Tour Guide of London and surrounding areas.
  12. James Hervey Baber 1780-1819
  13. Baber Bridge - West London
  14. Henry Baber/Peasant's Revolt 1381


  1. Obit of Alfred Colborne Baber March 25, 1925

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